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Do you feel pressured into changing yourself? Have ever felt like you are not good enough? Do you have some big ideas about who you are but are constantly told you are nothing? This book is for you. We all need to feel it is okay to be who we are. Take a look in the mirror and love what you see. 


It’s okay to be me.

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About the author

Rozharia Riley is 14 years old and attends Griggs International Academy, an online school connected to Andrews University. She’s from George Town, Grand Cayman. She has been writing poems, plays, movie scripts, TV show scripts, sermons and more ever since she was 9 years old! Her style of writing can be both whimsical and heartfelt given the atmosphere she places her story in. She specialises in creative fiction and especially loves writing for children which she believes is one of the most important demographics you can write for.


Most of all, she owes everything she is to God and always dedicates everything she will ever write to Him and for Him.


“I would be nothing without writing
And writing would be nothing without the Lord.” She says.


If you’d like to contact her or ask her a question, you can reach her by email at